Wednesday, 26 March 2025

SOLID principles in Object Oriented Programming


This post will try to see the 5 SOLID design principles used for object-oriented software design. These principles are
  • S: Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
  • O: Open/Closed Principle
  • L: Liskov’s Substitution Principle (LSP)
  • I: Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
  • D: Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
Whenever you write new code or design new software, ensure you respect the SOLID principles mentioned above. This helps create clean and modular code that will help you maintain and scale it in the future. Let's see each of these in detail.

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

This principle states that - "A class should have single responsibility". 

Let us take an example to understand this better. Let's assume you are building software for a restaurant and you create a class classed Worker which has method like prepare_food & serve_food.
class Worker:
    def prepare_food(self):
        print("Preparing Food")
    def serve_food(self):
        print("Serving Food"

What do you think about the above design? It's bad but why? It's bad because it's very tightly coupled with 2 responsibilities - one is preparing food and one is serving food which is independent tasks. Now let's say you make any changes to how you prepare food in the future you also need to test and ensure that serve_food functionality is not impacted. This unnecessary coupled dependency has made code hard to maintain. A better design would be to have separate classes for each
  • Class Chef - For Preparing Food
  • Class Waiter - For serving Food
That way there is separation of concern, and each class has logic for the business use case it is responsible for. It's easy to maintain & scale.

Open/Closed Principle

This principle states that - "A class should have open for extension but closed for modification". 

Let's see an example of this as well. Let's again take our above example of writing software for restaurant business. Let's say we are implementing a Chef class below.
class Chef:
    def prepare_chinese_food(self):
        print("Preparing Chinese Food"

Do you see any potential problems with the above? What happens when your restaurant starts preparing continental cuisine. You will add another method called prepare_continental_food to our Chef class. This will increase the number of methods in the class as we will have to add one each time we support a new cuisine. This is bad because you are modifying a code that is already tested and functioning which means adding Continental cuisine support has put the original implementation to support Chinese at risk. 

To fix this a better way would be to extend the Chef class to support new functionality
class Chef:
    def prepare_food(self):
        print("Preparing Chinese Food")
class ContinentalChef(Chef):
    def prepare_food(self):
        print("Preparing Continental Food")
chef = ContinentalChef()

As you can see now you can extend the base class Chef and add your new functionality without impacting the original implementation. If for any additional feature in code if you have to make lot of modification to your original code it is definitely violating this principle, so you should step back and see how you can make your code generic so that very less code changes are needed for future enhancements.

Liskov’s Substitution Principle (LSP)

This principle states - "Derived or child classes must be substitutable for their base or parent classes",

For this, we can again use the above example. What would have happened if we had implemented our Chef class a little differently?
class Chef:
    def prepare_chines_food(self):
        print("Preparing Chinese Food")
class ContinentalChef(Chef):
    def prepare_chines_food(self):
        print("Preparing Continental Food")
    def prepare_continental_food(self):
        print("Preparing Continental Food")
chef = ContinentalChef()

This is also bad because you have overridden the prepare_chinese_food functionality to actually prepare continental food. The caller of the Chef class will call prepare_chines_food under the impression that Chinese food will be prepared but due to the way the above classes are implemented it will do the unexpected thing (which is preparing continental cuisine).

The principle says you should be able to use ContinentalChef anywhere you have used Chef class without breaking the software contract. If you really intended ContinentalChef to not prepare the Chinese food you can raise an Exception from the prepare_chinese_food method of child class.

Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

This principle states - "Do not force any client to implement an interface which is irrelevant to them".

This principle is very similar to Single responsibility principle we saw above except it tasks about interfaces rather than classes.

For example, let's say you have Chef class and Cusine Interface with methods like create_chinese, create_continental, etc. Instead of having a single interface definition for all abstract method, it's good to have separate interfaces - ChineseCuisine, ContinentalCuisine, etc. That way your concrete classes can choose to implement the ones they think are correct for their use cases.

In real work a chef can know both cuisines or a single cuisine. By creating a single interface you are forcing the concrete class to implement both even if they are not supporting bot cuisines which is bad. Concrete class should be free to choose what interface to implement based on the cuisine the chef can prepare.

Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

This principle states - "High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions"

This one is actually my favorite. Let's see an example to understand this. Let's say you have a Restaurant class and it has a ChinesePrepatingChef as an instance member. Tomorrow if the chef changes to ContinentalPreparingChef then you need to modify the Restaurant code to use the new class. 

Instead of this you should define a base class called Chef and create two concrete classes - ChinesePreparingChef & ContinentalPreparingChef. In Restaurant you will just have a reference to Chef instance which can be either of the concrete classes depending on the use case.

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