Bash Commands
uname -a | Show system and kernel |
head -n1 /etc/issue | Show distribution |
mount | Show mounted filesystems |
date | Show system date |
uptime | Show uptime |
whoami | Show your username |
man command | Show manual for command |
Directory option
pwd | Show current directory |
mkdir dir | Make directory dir |
cd dir | Change directory to dir |
cd .. | Go up a directory |
ls | List files |
ls commands
-a | Show all (including hidden) |
-R | Recursive list |
-r | Reverse order |
-t | Sort by last modified |
-S | Sort by file size |
-l | Long listing format |
-1 | One file per line |
-m | Comma-separated output |
-Q | Quoted output |
Search Files
grep pattern files | Search for pattern in files |
grep -i | Case insensitive search |
grep -r | Recursive search |
grep -v | Inverted search |
grep -o | Show matched part of file only |
find /dir/ -name name* | Find files starting with name in dir |
find /dir/ -user name | Find files owned by name in dir |
find /dir/ -mmin num | Find files modifed less than num minutes ago in dir |
whereis command | Find binary / source / manual for command |
locate file | Find file (quick search of system index) |
File operations
touch file1 | Create file1 |
cat file1 file2 | Concatenate files and output |
less file1 | View and paginate file1 |
file file1 | Get type of file1 |
cp file1 file2 | Copy file1 to file2 |
mv file1 file2 | Move file1 to file2 |
rm file1 | Delete file1 |
head file1 | Show first 10 lines of file1 |
tail file1 | Show last 10 lines of file1 |
tail -f file1 | Output last lines of file1 as it changes |
Process management
ps | Show snapshot of processes |
top | Show real time processes |
kill pid | Kill process with id pid |
pkill name | Kill process with name name |
killall name | Kill all processes with names beginning name |
File Permissions
chmod 775 file | Change mode of file to 775 |
chmod -R 600 folder | Recursively chmod folder to 600 |
chown user:group file | Change file owner to user and group to group |