Saturday, 11 August 2018

Working with async module in Node.js - Part 2 (async.eachSeries)


This is a continuation of my previous post on async module in Node.js -
In the last post, we saw how neatly we can write code using async.waterfall. In this post, I will show you a similar trick with async.eachSeries method. 

Without async

Let's consider the following scenario.

We get the type of events and we need to run them in a loop in order. Following is a sample code to do that -

 * Program to demonstrate asyn nodejs module
 * @author : athalur

const async = require("async");

var startDemo = function () {
    console.log("Starting Demo");
    var events = ["Download", "Process", "Upload", "Del"];
    events.forEach(event => {
        process(event, function () {
            console.log("Got callback for : " + event);
    console.log("Ending Demo");

var process = function (processType, callback) {
    var processTime = 0;
    switch (processType) {
        case "Download":
            processTime = 2000;
        case "Process":
            processTime = 1000;
        case "Upload":
            processTime = 4000;
        case "Del":
            processTime = 100;
    setTimeout(function () {
        console.log("Finished : " + processType);
    }, processTime);


And the output is -

Wait what happened here? We looped our events array in order -

  1. Download
  2. Process
  3. Upload
  4. Delete
But that did not clearly happen. Mostly because each process takes different time to finish. In a real-world scenario, it would mean it make API calls or disk IO, the time of which we cannot predict. Let's see how async comes to our rescue.

Change the main code as follows -

var startDemo = function () {
    console.log("Starting Demo");
    var events = ["Download", "Process", "Upload", "Del"];
    async.eachSeries(events, function (event, callback) {
        process(event, callback);
    }, function(err){
            console.log("Ending Demo");

and rerun the code.

Now you can see all of them executed in a series.

NOTE1: async.forEach runs through the array in parallel, meaning it will run the function for each item in the array immediately, and then when all of them execute the callback (2nd argument), the callback function will be called (3rd argument).

NOTE2: async.eachSeries runs through the array in series, meaning it will run the function for each item in the array and wait for it to execute the callback (2nd argument) before going to next item and finally when all are done the callback function will be called (3rd argument).

Related Links

Working with async module in Node.js - Part 1 (async.waterfall)


Javascript, as we know, runs on a single thread and to prevent blocking operations like a network call or a disk I/O we use asynchronous callbacks. This essentially means tasks run in the background and we get a callback when the operation is done. If you wish to understand more of how Javascript works please watch below video -

So as you must have known by now there is a lot of asynchronous stuff that happens. Sometimes we need to order these to suit our business logic. Consider a simple example -

  1. Download an mp4 file from the server
  2. Convert it into a gif locally
  3. Upload the gif back to the server
  4. Delete the mp4 from the server

Now in this example, all 4 steps are an asynchronous operation. Also, we cannot move to the next step until the previous step is finished. 

The Callback way

We can use callbacks for this. Something like below -
 * Program to demonstrate asyn nodejs module
 * @author : athalur

var startDemo = function () {
    console.log("Starting Demo");
    download(function () {
        process(function () {
            upload(function () {
                del(function () {
                    console.log("Ending Demo");

var download = function (callback) {
    console.log("Starting download");
    console.log("Finishing download");

var process = function (callback) {
    console.log("Starting process");
    console.log("Finishing process");

var upload = function (callback) {
    console.log("Starting upload");
    console.log("Finishing upload");

var del = function (callback) {
    console.log("Starting del");
    console.log("Finishing del");

var delay = function () {
    var i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 10000; j++) {
            //do nothing

This print below output -

As you can see this is a mess that is created by cascading callbacks. Also if at any point there is an error then we need to send it back to the callback as well and each step would have an if-else check to handle it. Let us see how easy it is with async module.

The async way

First, you need to install async nodejs module -
To do so run following command -

  • npm install async

Now using async our program becomes -

 * Program to demonstrate asyn nodejs module
 * @author : athakur

const async = require("async");

var startDemo = function () {
    console.log("Starting Demo");
        function (err, data) {
            if(err) {
                console.log("There was an error in the demo : " + err);
            }else {
                console.log("Demo complete successfully");

NOTE:  I have not included the actual methods again to avoid repetition.

And the output is -

Notice how cleaner our code has become. Async takes care of all the callbacks. It also provides a mechanism to send data from one step to another. If you call the callback with data it will be available in next step.

If you change our download and process method slightly like below -

var download = function (callback) {
    console.log("Starting download");
    console.log("Finishing download");
    callback(null, "Downloaded file URL");

var process = function (data, callback) {
    console.log("Starting process");
    console.log("In process method. Data from download: " + data);
    console.log("Finishing process");

and re-execute we will get

Also, it provides a cleaner way of error handling. Let's say our download fails. Chain download method as below -

var download = function (callback) {
    console.log("Starting download");
    console.log("Finishing download");
    callback("Error in download", "Downloaded file URL");

This essentially means our download failed - 1st argument in the callback. In this scenario, the next steps in the waterfall model will not be executed and you would get a callback method that you have provided at the end of the waterfall array. On executing above you will get -

That's all for async module - waterfall. In next post, I will show you how we can use an async module for lopping over an array of data -

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