Sunday, 18 December 2016

Greasemonkey script to dim white background webpages in Firefox


In some of the previous posts we saw some greasemomkey scripts -
 This is a similar script.

Bright white pages strain your eyes. I love dark black/grey themes and they dont strain your eyes as well. So was looking out for an addon to do this.
Chrome has a beautiful addon called -
Unfortunately there is no such good plugin available on Firefox. Hence this script. You can configure RGB to the background color you wish to have. The script will be executed when your DOM(Document object model) is loaded.

Greasemonkey script to dim white background webpages in Firefox

I am not going to paste the code here. It is available on my Github gists page -
Feel free to fork it and change it as per you need. Google homepage looks like below post this change -

It has sort of greyish background.

NOTE : This is not a script originally written by me. I have just modified it to suit my needs. Feel free to edit it and use as per your requirements.

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