Thursday, 21 June 2018

How to clean and manage "Recent Places" in Mac OS X


Whenever you save files in your Mac, OS X will save this folder in a “Recent Places” category which will be available the next time you save another file. This feature enables quick access to the folders you commonly use which saves a lot of time.

But sometimes you need to have a granular control over this. For example, you may have to clear recent places or limit the number of folders that are stored under this category. In this post, I am going to show you exactly the same thing.

How to clean and manage "Recent Places" in Mac OS X

Let's start with how we can limit the number of folders that are stored in the "Recent places" category. For me by default, it stores 3 folders. It may vary as per your OS version.
To increase the limit execute following command in your terminal -

Here NUMBER is the number of entries you want. Making it  Zero will disable the recent places list. 

To remove this limit you can execute the following command -

And finally, if you want to clear recent places list then you can execute the following command -

t> UA-39527780-1 back to top