Sunday 24 May 2020

Decorators in Python


In the last post we saw what are closures in Python. In this post we will see what are decorators in python. Closures are heavily used in Decorators. Let's see how.

 Decorators in Python

As we know already everything in Python is an Object. A decorator is an object that is used to modify a function or a class. Function decorator takes a reference to the decorated function and returns a new function. It will internally call the actual decorated/referenced function.

You can also have a class as a decorator instead of a function. When we decorate a method with a class, that function becomes instance method of that class.

In either case the original code is not changed. 

Let us say we have a function that makes a remote API call and we want to monitor the start and end time for that API. You have a method as follows:

def make_api_call(*params):
    # Simulate API call

I have just added a sleep of 3 seconds to simulate the actual API call. So now if we want to monitor the start and end time of this API, we can modify this function to print time before and after the API call, but it is not correct to modify existing functions. This is where decorator comes into the picture.

from datetime import datetime
import time

def monitor_performance(func):
    def wrapper_func(*params):
        print("Making API call with params {} at {}".format(params,
        print("Finishing API call with params {} at {}".format(params,
    return wrapper_func

def make_api_call(*params):
    # Simulate API call
make_api_call("param1", "param2")

When you execute this code it prints the following output.
Making API call with params ('param1', 'param2') at 2020-05-24 22:31:19.480543
Finishing API call with params ('param1', 'param2') at 2020-05-24 22:31:22.484090

You can notice how we decorated our actual method make_api_call with a custom decorator monitor_performance. Also, you must have noticed our decorator function used a closure - another internal method called wrapper_func to actually monitor start and end time.

As I mentioned before the decorator can be used to modify the actual method and internally calls the actual method. In this case, before we call the actual method we print start and end time.

You would have also noticed that the parameters passed to make_api_call are automatically passed to our wrapper function as we are returning this wrapper function from the decorator. Also, notice how we have declared decorator for our function using '@' notation.

Using class instead of function for a decorator

The same above code can be done with a class as a decorator. As we already know everything in python is an object and it is callable if it defines the __call__() method.

from datetime import datetime
import time

class monitor_performace:
    def __init__(self, actual_func):
        self.actual_func = actual_func
    def __call__(self, *params):
        print("Making API call with params {} at {}".format(params,
        print("Finishing API call with params {} at {}".format(params,

def make_api_call(*params):
    # Simulate API call
make_api_call("param1", "param2")

It prints similar output as before:
Making API call with params ('param1', 'param2') at 2020-05-24 22:39:22.895176
Finishing API call with params ('param1', 'param2') at 2020-05-24 22:39:25.896923


  • You can also decorate a class with another class
  • You can chain decorated as well. Each decorated function/class will be called serially.

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Saturday 16 May 2020

Understanding python closure


In the last couple of posts, we saw how we can pass multiple arguments in python functions and what are generators in python. Next, I want to explain what decorators are in python. Decorator is a very powerful feature of python but in order to explain it, we need to understand closure in Python. You must have heard of Javascript closures, these are kind of similar. We will see this in detail now.

Understanding python closure

Python closures are related to nested functions. Consider the following example:

def print_func(text):
    text_to_print = text
    def printer():
    return printer

print_function_reference = print_func("Hello World!")

What happens when you execute the above piece of code? It prints:
<function print_func.<locals>.printer at 0x7f21b16d1950>
Hello World!

So what's happening here?
We have defined a function called print_func which takes in a string argument which we like to print. Then this method returns a reference new method called printer() and when you invoke this method(reference) you see your value is printed.

But wait a second? I am good with the part where I get a reference of printer method as seen in output but when I invoke it how does it get the value of text_to_print? It does not seem to be in printer methods scope.
>> This is exactly what we call closure.

A couple of other pointers before we go to the definition of closure:

  • printer() function is called a nested function
  • A nested function has read-only access of variables defined in the outer scope. 'text_to_print' in this case.
  • Such variables are called "non-local" variables.
  • Everything in python is an object with set of attributes. Yes, even a function. They all have some common attributes like "__doc__".
So, Closure is a function object that is used to access variables from enclosing scope, even though they are not present in the memory(out of scope). Eg. 'text_to_print' in this case.

They are used to invoke functions not in scope. Eg. printer() in above case. Scope for printer() function is inside print_func() function yet we can invoke it from outside.

NOTE: You can try deleting print_func() and then invoke print_function_reference(). It will still work, even though it's closing function is deleted.

When and Why to use Closures?

As you can see closure help with data hiding. You don't need to define global variables. That's exactly the primary use case of closures.

They are used in callbacks and decorators. We will have a detailed post on decorators (stay tuned!).

Typically when you have a few methods you can go with closure. However, if you have multiple methods you are better off with a class.

You can also see closure contents as follows:

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How to add code Syntax highlighting to your blogger blog?


If you own a technical blog or a website you generally need to add code to illustrate your examples. In such cases highlighting the code becomes essential. You would have seen the code syntax highlighting in this blog itself.

In this post, I will show you how you can achieve this.

How to add code Syntax highlighting to your blogger blog?

For code syntax highlighting we will use SyntaxHighlighter. I will specifically tell you how to add this to your blogger blog.

  • Open your blogger blog dashboard
  • Go to Theme
  • Click on 3 dots beside "My theme" and click on  "Edit HTML"

  • In the panel which opens and shows some HTML code search and go to the line with </head> tag. This is where your head tag ends. We need to add some include CSS and js files here along with some custom javascript.
  • Inside the head tag (Just before </head> add following code)

    <!-- Syntax Highlighter START -->
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link>
    <script src="" type="text/javascript">
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
    <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>
    SyntaxHighlighter.config.bloggerMode = true;

  • Once done save the file and reload blog.

  • Now if you want any highlighting you can use the corresponding class in <pre> tag. Eg for Java you can do
    <pre class="brush:java">This will be highlighted</pre>
  • Instead of Java you can have other languages as well. Choices are: cpp, c, c++, c#, c-sharp, csharp, css, delphi, pascal, java, js, jscript, javascript, php, py, python, rb, ruby, rails, ror, sql, vb,, xml, html, xhtml, xslt. You can see the latest list of supported languages.
  • You can only add js files for brushes you need (See optimization below)


This is the good part! We would not call ourselves programmers if we did not have an optimization part :)

  • You can see above there are a bunch of js files added in the head tag. You might not need all and each page load with load these external JS code which can slow loading if your blog. So Add only those JS files which you need. In fact, if you see the screenshot above I have used just the Java brush JS. I just use the same for all types of codes.

  • If you do not want the code highlighting to work for your homepage (Just for the the posts you write), you can add all above code inside the following tags:

    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
  • Lastly, you would have also noticed the link base path for JS and CSS files are different in my code that what I originally provided. That's because I have used the CDN path( This is done primarily for 2 things:
    • First, it allows highlighting to work even on https. By default with the above code loading your blog site with https protocol will not show highlighting. That's because your include scripts are HTTP and not supported for https.
    • Secondly, if the HTTP links are down you are screwed. CDN caches the scripts and cs files. So you can always rely on it (rely is is a strong word but it's better than those HTTP links :) )


  • Another thing you might have noticed is the change of theme file I have used. The original set of code I proposed uses a default theme shThemeDefault.css but I have changed this to use shThemeEmacs.css. You can use whichever theme you like - Just include the corresponding theme CSS file (and remove the default one).  Some of the available themes are: shThemeRDark, shThemeMidnight, shThemeMDUltra, shThemeFadeToGrey, shThemeEmacs, shThemeEclipse, shThemeDjango, shThemeDefault, shCoreRDark, shCoreMidnight, shCoreMDUltra, shCoreFadeToGrey, shCoreEmacs, shCoreEclipse, shCoreDjango, shCoreDefault

  • I already mentioned you should only include and use the JS files corresponding to language brushed you intent to use. This will reduce your page load time. You can also use the "b:if" tag I mentioned above so that these scripts load for your blog posts.

You can already see this blog using all of these customizations. Feel free to comment if you need any help. Thanks.

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Sunday 10 May 2020

Difference between yield and return in python


If you have been using Python you would have come across return and yield statements. Both are used to return something from a function. Though both of them are used to return something from the function both serve different purposes. In this post, I will try to explain what those are.

I use Jupyter notebook for running python code snippets. To see how you can install it refer to my earlier post (link in the Related Sections at the end of this post).

Understanding return in Python

Let's try to understand returns first as that's the simplest. The return keyword is used is a similar fashion in multiple programming languages. It is used to return a value to its caller.

A function can have multiple return statements but only the 1st one encountered during its execution flow will be executed and the corresponding value will be returned to the called. No code after the return statement will be executed (dead code) - the method with return statement exists. The return statement is generally the last statement in a function but it could be before as well if we want to skip subsequent code based on a certain condition. 

Consider the following example:

def is_even(num):
    if num is None:
        return False
    elif num%2 == 0:
        return True
        return False

The output is:

As you can see the function is_even has multiple return statements and exactly one will get executed for a single execution call based on the conditions. You could also rewrite it as :

def is_even(num):
    if num is None or num%2 != 0:
        is_even = False
    return is_even

This is a slightly better version than the previous one. we just have one return statement and less code.

Understanding yield in Python

Yield statement also returns the value to the caller but it retains the state. When you call the function again it resumes where it left off (last yield statement). This enabled code to generate a series of data when needed without generating all at once.

Such structures that generate a series of data are called generators in python and yield keywords are used to create generators. Whenever generators need to produce a value they do it using the yield keyword. Consider the following example:
def get_even():
    while True:
        i = i + 2
        yield i
test = get_even()

This outputs:

As you can see this is a forever going generator. It will keep on generating the sequence. If you do something like below, it will go in an infinite loop:

def get_even():
    while True:
        i = i + 2
        yield i
test = get_even()
for evennum in test:

This outputs an infinite series of even numbers starting from 2. You will have to manually kill the process as it goes into an infinite loop.

If there are limited field statements in the function, the generator will run that many times. If you try to run a generator after that it will raise an Exception.

def get_even():
    i = i + 2
    yield i
    i = i + 2
    yield i 

test = get_even()
for evennum in test:

StopIteration                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-40-ef2477e0fee5> in <module>
     10 for evennum in test:
     11     print(evennum)
---> 12 next(test)


You can have return statements in a generator as well which simply signifies the end of that generator. No yield statement after the return statement will be respected. Consider the following example:
def get_even():
    i = i + 2
    yield i
    i = i + 2
    yield i

test = get_even()
for evennum in test:

This will print:

StopIteration                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-41-554cedfc9db7> in <module>
     11 for evennum in test:
     12     print(evennum)
---> 13 next(test)


As you can see it encountered 1st yield and returned back 2. In the next call, it saw a return statement and terminated the generator. So, calling it again is going to raise an Exception as we saw above. Having return and yield statement was not allowed in python2 but it's allowed in python3 and it simply means the end of the generator.

Summarizing the difference

  • Return statements terminate the execution of the method and return the value to the caller whereas yield returns the value to the caller but retains the current state so that the same method can be called again. 
  • The yield keyword is used in Python generators. A generator is a special function that returns a generator object to the caller instead of the actual value. 
  • Generators save memory as the new value is generated only when the generator is called. If the same thing you had to do with the return, you would need to compute the series, store all in an array and return the array once.
  • As generators with the yield keyword resume the execution all local variables are retained whereas in case of return they are destroyed.

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Sunday 3 May 2020

How to pass variable arguments using *args and **kwargs in Python?


If you are working with python you must have come across following notations:
  • *args
  • **kwargs
args and kwargs are just argument names. It can be replaced by any other variable name, but the important part is the syntax and how it is used. If you have come across this you would also know they are used to pass the variable number of arguments. In this post, I will try to explain how they work with some examples.

Note: If you have not installed Jupyter notebook for python, please refer to my earlier blog post: How to Install IPython Jupyter Notebook on Ubuntu

How to pass variable arguments using *args and **kwargs in Python?

Let's take cases of *args and **kwargs one at a time and then we will see some combined examples.

Understanding *args

  • *args is used to take a variable number of non-keyworded arguments that are not your formal arguments. 
  • arguments passed in *args become iterable. Think of this as a list.
We will understand "non-keyworded" meaning better when we go to **kwargs but for now, let's try to focus on *args.

Consider the following example:

def foo(param1, *param2):
    print("In foo:")

And now if you pass:

You will get the output:
In foo: 1 (2, 3, 4)

As you can see argument 1 got mapped to param1 (your formal argument) and the rest for mapped to *param2 (*param2 is your *args. As I mentioned before variable name does not matter). 

You can pass any number of params after 1 and they will be part of param2.

You can even iterate over param2 to print all variables.

def foo(param1, *param2):
    print("In foo:")
    for no in param2:

In foo:

Understanding *kwargs

  • *kwargs is used to take a variable number of keyworded arguments that are not your formal arguments. When I say keyword it means that you pass arguments by providing a name to that variable
  • Think of this as a dictionary of variable name and value you passed as arguments to the function.
Consider the following example:

def bar(param1, **param2):
    print("In bar:")

And if you pass bar(1,a=2,b=3,c=4) it will output
In bar:
{'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'c': 4}

1 which is your formal parameter maps to param1 and rest named parameters go as dict in param2.
Obviously, you cannot pass bar(1, 2, 3, a=2,b=3,c=4)
as it does not know what to do with 2,3,4

Hopefully, now you understand what keyworded arguments are. They are basically named parameters passed in the function call.

You can also iterate it as a dictionary

def bar(param1, **param2):
    print("In bar:")
    for key, value in param2.items():

In bar:

Your functions would actually have both *args and **kwargs. So let's try to see a combined example

def foobar(param0, *param1, **param2):
    print("In foobar:")

And now if you call this as  foobar(1,2,3,4,a=1)
you will get the following output:
In foobar:
(2, 3, 4)
{'a': 1}

Again 1 is your formal parameter and maps to param0
2,3,4 are your non-keyword params that get mapped to param1
and a=1 is your keyword param that gets mapped to param2

  • Note the order is important. *args should always come before **kwargs. 
  • Also, there cannot be positional arguments after  **kwargs
  • Also, you cannot do something like foobar(1,2,3,4,a=1,5) as it will not know how to map 5.

Hopefully, this clarifies differences between *args and **kwargs. You can play around more in the Jupyter notebook or python terminal if you have installed it (See the link below if you haven't)

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Saturday 2 May 2020

How to Install IPython Jupyter Notebook on Ubuntu


Jupyter Notebook is an open-source and interactive web app that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. We will use this to run python code but it can be used with other languages as well.


Firstly make sure you have the following applications installed before installing Jupyter notebook:
  • python3
  • python3-pip
You can install these from default Ubuntu repositories by running the following commands:
  • sudo apt-get install python3
  • sudo apt-get install python3-pip
You can check that the versions are correct with -V option as shown in the screenshot below:

How to Install IPython Jupyter Notebook on Ubuntu

Now that dependencies are in place, let's install Jupyter notebook.

Install python and jupyter
  • pip3 install ipython
  • pip3 install jupyter
IPython (Interactive Python) is a command shell for interactive computing in multiple programming languages, originally developed for the Python programming language, that offers introspection, rich media, shell syntax, tab completion, and history (Wiki).

You can then start the jupyter notebook with the following command:
  • jupyter notebook

It should automatically open a browser window for you, if not you can fo to the URL from the command output, in my case:

Then you can create a new notebook with python3 kernel and write your code there.

Let me know in the comments if you face any issues.
We will do some more fun stuff and learn more about python. So stay tuned!

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Friday 1 May 2020

How to fix Ubuntu update error “waiting for unattended-upgr to exit”


So I logged into my Ubuntu machine after a long time and I decided to update my installed software to the latest versions. But I see following screen and the update is stuck: “waiting for unattended-upgr to exit”

In this post, I will show you how to fix this issue.

Fixing “waiting for unattended-upgr to exit” issue

To begin, make sure all packages are in a clean state and correctly installed For this you can run:
  • sudo dpkg --configure -a
However, this fails for me with the following error

In fact, "sudo apt-get upgrade" also fails for me:

athakur:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade
E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), is another process using it?

This could be due to multiple causes. Most probably some other internal update is running and using the lock. You can check this with the following commands:

  • ps -eaf | grep -i apt
  • lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend 

Note: If you see a process like "apt.systemd.daily" using the lock, please wait for a few mins. This is auto-scheduler that updates your system. If you do not want this behavior you can go to "Software and Updates" and disable auto-updates:

Anyways, if you do not wish to wait you can always kill the process. Above commands - ps and lsof should give you PIDs corresponding to the process using the locks. You can kill them by running

  • sudo kill -9 PID
Replace PID with actual PID (Process ID) you see in the output of the above commands. Once done you can resume the software updates. You can also do
  • sudo apt-get upgrade
to upgrade your software.

If above does not work as well you can always delete the lock file (Not recommended)

  • sudo rm -rf /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend

and resume any update you might have. Please note we should not do this under ideal conditions. Lock files are meant to be present for special purposes. That being said, sometimes Softwares do go into an inconsistent state, and lock files have to be removed manually.

Once you kill the process or remove the lock file manually run following command to let dpkg fix itself:

  • sudo dpkg --configure -a
This is the same command we ran as the very 1ts step.

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